Month: February 2016

29 Feb 2016: On perspective

  One of the Kitchener 1916 project’s challenges is perspective. I read early 20th-century newspaper articles and try to turn off my early 21st Century sensibilities. While it’s not always possible, I think it’s important that I’m aware of my biases and experiences—“lenses,” if you will—when reviewing the accounts of the day. To be fair, […] Read more…

Braised Stuffed Beef Heart -

18-24 Feb 1916: With voices raised

Prioritising and Hydro Radials The radials project chugged along, and Berlin, Ontario hosted an important meeting to discuss the nitty-gritty of the project.  Sir Adam Beck tried to temper the gathering’s expectations and placed the project into the grander context of government priorities: “It is our duty to strain every effort to clothe and equip and […] Read more…

Potatoes Lyonnaise -

11-17 Feb 1916: And the band played on

11 February: “Should we not consult the people?” Citizens who wanted to discuss changing Berlin, Ontario’s name jammed Council Chambers. Organized by the Board of Trade and some city councillors, the room was heavily lopsided—some hinted seeded—for change. A draft resolution was conveniently on hand. In amongst the requisite whereases and a therefore, its supporters […] Read more…

Hard butterscotch candy -

04-10 Feb 1916: Of pyromania and proclamations

The grand old tower put up a magnificent fight for survival. Standing while the support seemed to have burned away, it sent a solid pillow of twisting, billowing gold up into the winter night. Finally, it came down, crashing into the concourse in front and with it, carrying the huge, old clock which had stayed […] Read more…

Chicken and Pork Chop Suey -

28 Jan – 03 Feb 1916: A tempest in a teapot

In the days before Britain’s Military Service Act received royal assent, our political leaders assured American counterparts the new Act had no bearing in Canada. We ran our own show and still believed patriotic young men would willingly step forward for King and Country. Unrelated to this, Militia Minister Sir Sam Hughes informed Canadians of […] Read more…