Month: August 2016

18-24 August 1916: Unleash the monsters

Nothing but a flimsy excuse As far as the name changers were concerned, the renaming’s delay was the attorney general’s fault. Waiting for the postmaster general’s okay was nothing more than a “flimsy excuse.” It seems the head postie would be proud to have a hand in commemorating the great British war hero through renaming the […] Read more…

11-17 August 1916: Sausages in the summer kitchen

What’s the holdup? One could easily imagine the name changers stamping their feet and stirring the air with pointed fingers, as they tried to rile local Britishers. Why hasn’t the name changed yet? How could the important and patriotic city of Berlin be subjected to such indifference? Who was to blame?  The Berlin Daily Telegraph’s doggedly […] Read more…

04-10 August 1916: Two years of war

4 August 1916: Two years of war If you asked most people two summers earlier, many wouldn’t believe the war would last longer than six months. Experts poo-pooed the idea: all the numbers pointed to bankruptcy for any nation that embarked in an extended conflict. If the main players foresaw years of fighting, they might […] Read more…

28 July – 03 August 1916: A tale of two Kitcheners

Held up by the post(master) Waiting for the postmaster general’s decision may have been as excruciating as waiting for King George V’s long silence to end. Weeks had passed since officials sent Canada’s head postie the referendum results.   After a prod from the local MP, the acting postmaster sent a letter to Mr Millar, the city […] Read more…